Chatham Business Association, Small Business Development

Chatham Business Association, SBDI
Sustaining Communities by Building One Business at a Time

Small Business Aid Updates

Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan Fund-Not Accepting Applications
Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund-Not Accepting Applications

Home Loans or Sole Proprietor Loans-Homeowners and Renters must register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to obtain a FEMA Registration ID Number by calling 1-800-621-3362 prior to applying for an SBA loan.

Community Recovery Initiative-County-(see attached Flyer) - CLOSED

$25 Million [increased to $50 Million] dollar “Fast-Track” Program – Infrastructure and Construction jobs- accelerate work of planned public infrastructure projects around the state.
* public infrastructure projects that could commence work within 90 days of receiving award notice
*Projects eligible must be public assets, must be permanent in nature and must not have recurring project expenses
*Must be shovel-ready
*To apply for the grants, please visit
* application deadline: CLOSED

PPP-resumed April 27,2020>ongoing-currently taking applications
EIDL-Economic Injury Disaster Loan
*SBA has resumed processing EIDL applications that were submitted before the portal stopped accepting new applications on April 15 and will be processing these applications on a first-come, first-served basis. 
*At this time, only agricultural business applications will be accepted due to limitations in funding availability and the unprecedented submission of applications already received.

  • Agricultural businesses includes those businesses engaged in the production of food and fiber, ranching, and raising of livestock, aquaculture, and all other farming and agricultural related industries (as defined by section 18(b) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 647(b)).
  • SBA is encouraging all eligible agricultural businesses with 500 or fewer employees wishing to apply to begin preparing their business financial information needed for their application
Express Bridge Loan Program-currently accepting applications for applicants with current SBA relationship.
SBA Debt Relief-SBA is currently offering loan deferments for any current SBA open loans

Utility Billing Relief Program 
Due to the impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Department of Finance has taken several steps to help our customers. Effective immediately
• no new late penalties will be assessed on unpaid utility bills,
• no payment plans will be defaulted, and
• no past due debt will be referred to a collection firm. 
Currently, the call center is experiencing longer than normal call wait times, and we are not providing walk-in customer service at 333 South State. However, you may email customer service at  

For Renters

Eviction Protection 
You can't be evicted through at least May 18, and likely through July 25. The State of Illinois and the Federal government have suspended evictions. If your landlord is threatening or evicting you, call Legal Aid Chicago at 312-341-1070.
Note: While evictions are currently paused, tenants are still required to pay rent. If tenants do not, they may face eviction after the moratorium ends. You can find information on Chicago's rental assistance programs here.

Utility Relief
Your water, gas, and electric will not be disconnected during the Governor's mandated state of emergency. The Illinois Commerce Commission is protecting you from disconnection for non-payment and is suspending late fees. 

Free internet access for new customers 
Comcast is providing 60 days of Internet Essentials service for free for eligible low-income households. Apply at

For Homeowners

Foreclosure Protection  
If you can't pay your mortgage, your home cannot be foreclosed through at least May 18, as the State of Illinois has suspended foreclosures.

Mortgage Help
If your ability to pay your mortgage has been impacted by the coronavirus crisis, you can find assistance information through the Federal Housing Finance Agency. 

For Landlords

Eviction Suspension
If you are a landlord of property in Cook County, you cannot evict tenants through at least May 18. If the mortgage on your property is federally-backed, you cannot evict tenants or charge late fees until July 25, by federal mandate of the CARES Act.

Note: While evictions are currently paused, tenants are still required to pay rent. If tenants do not, they may face eviction after the moratorium ends.

Chicago City Tax- tax payments deferred thru June 1, 2020 for business community.


resources for small businesses due to covid-19
Please note that as of 7/15/20 we are currently in:


The Goal is to gradually resume re-opening Chicago while insuring the safety of residents (Guard against unsafe interactions with others)


Additional business and capacity restrictions are lifted with appropriate safeguards.


Additional public amenities open. Continue to wear a face covering and physically distance.


Continue to distance and allow vulnerable residents to shelter. Get tested if you think you have symptoms or have had Covid-19.


© Chatham Business Association | 800 E. 78th St Chicago, Illinois 60619 773-994-5006 (Office) 773-855-8905 (Fax)

Chatham Business Association, Small Business Development, Inc is a 501c6 non-profit organization.
All donations/sales are non-refundable.